Tithing and Giving
Tithing is a Test
Tithe means “tenth”, and tenth in the Bible means “test”.
Tithe means regularly giving 10% of your first fruits/earnings.
This is a test for you, for your heart, and the one thing that the Bible says is okay to test God in.
Money is not evil. The root of money is evil.
Religion might say being wealthy is evil, but that is a lie the enemy has got the church to believe, and this lie let the enemy steal the wealth away from God’s people.
Why would God want only the evil ones to be wealthy?
What is evil is loving money over God, and/or choosing or putting your trust in money over God.
Where is your heart?
We owe it to humanity to become successful so we can help others be successful!
This is much harder to do if you are burdened with debt. Learn how to become good stewards of the wealth God has given you.
Learn how money works, and how to become successful with it so you can bless others around you.