Hi! Below is my story on why I got started learning about personal finance and how money works, and why I’m passionate about passing on this information to the next generations.
Thank you for taking the time to visit! This is a work in progress and will probably continue to be as I learn more and more. Please visit often for any new or updated information and let me know if you have any questions or recommendations, or if you find any errors. We are all learning to be our best selves so we can be a blessing to others around us.
About Me
I did not grow up learning how to be financially responsible. Instead, I learned I should probably do the opposite of what I saw if I wanted to be somewhat financially stable, and that mindset treated me fairly well. I tried to live under my means, made sure my bills were paid on time, and always had a little in savings. However, I did not know much about investing at all which led me to not even start. Thankfully, I finally started investing, but I regret missing out on all those early years.
Now, my dilemma was how do I teach my children about money? I learned by doing the opposite, which is not what I want my children to do. My hope is that they will at least follow what I did, but my prayer is that they will manage their money even better and put their money to work for them. A concept I knew nothing about until I started learning about finances. I started researching all the information I could find about finances. I wanted to find all the differing opinions I could to ensure I had the best information to teach my children. I was surprised to find that there is no one-size-fits-all plan for money. I found that what may work for one person might not necessarily work for another. The one thing I did find true was that people who made a plan for their money often did better than the ones who did not. So, it’s true what Dave Ramsey says, “If you don’t tell your money where to go, you will wonder where it went.”
I began taking notes on everything I was learning to share with my children, siblings, nieces, and nephew, but soon, I felt a growing urge to reach even more people. I wanted to equip others with the financial knowledge I wish I had much earlier. That is what led me to create this site. A way to document what I’ve learned and help others on their financial journey as well. Personal finance is personal. As I mentioned before, there is no one-size-fits-all plan that is best for everyone. The goal for this site is to offer multiple opinions and tips so each individual can choose what they feel aligns best with their needs.
I know speaking about finances was always seen as taboo back in the day, and most people do not want to talk about personal finance because it can show their weaknesses. My hope is that we can change that mindset. I think the best thing we can do for our future generations is to teach our children what worked and didn’t work for us. Let them hopefully learn from our mistakes so each generation can be better and better.
A great leader will share about his failures before he boasts about his successes.
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous. Proverbs 13:22

Thank you for taking the time to visit! I’m on a mission to pass along helpful tools and information that I feel helped me understand finances better as I hope it can help others as well. This site is a work in progress and will probably continue to be as I learn more and more. Please help me learn, share, and pass along any helpful information that could benefit others and make the next generation brighter.
Please visit often for any new or updated information and let me know if you have any questions or recommendations, or if you find any errors. We are all learning to be our best selves so we can be a blessing to others around us.
“Reach one, teach one, and repeat. If the world did this, we would be a much better place.” - Rudy Martinez (Alaska Prepper)