Retirement Goal

I know this seems simple and a given when it comes to thinking about retirement but hearing it this way really clicked with me, and I wanted to share this if someone else needed to hear this also.

When I was younger, I was not great with saving money, and retirement seemed so far away that I really thought, “Why would I need to worry about that now? I have lots of time.” I also kind of had the thought that everyone retires, so the money for retirement would just be there when I needed it, and I never considered where this money would come from.

I didn’t understand that some people can retire early in life and that others must work until very late in life just to survive. I thought the magic number was 65 for everyone. I didn’t really understand that I could control when I wanted to retire and what I wanted my retirement to look like, and I didn’t know how big of an impact those little sacrifices early in life could make. I just really didn’t understand how money worked.

Thankfully, I learned that I needed to invest to be able to retire, and I’m doing all I can to play catch up from the time I missed and trying to teach my kids what I didn’t know. I learned a lot from JL Collins’ book The Simple Path to Wealth, and I highly recommend reading this book. This is one I plan to read again, so I can highlight and take notes my second time around.

Let us know if you’ve read this book and your thoughts, and/or if you have any other book recommendations.

For a list of other financial book recommendations, check out:

For more financial tips and information, check out:

We are all learning together!


I feel we are all students of one another, learning from each other’s strengths and weaknesses. I am not a financial advisor, but I am continuously learning on my journey to become financially independent, and I’m passionate about teaching others how to do the same. Come learn with me so we can live our best lives and then spread our wings to help others do the same

“Reach one, teach one, and repeat. If the world did this, we would be a much better place.” - Rudy Martinez (Alaska Prepper)


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